Welcome to the Financial Foundations Program

BB&T’s Financial Foundations program puts you more in control of your financial life and is the foundation for a brighter future.

We invite you to participate in our free Financial Foundations program. In just ten minutes, our interactive courses teach you financial hints and tips to help you head in a brighter direction. 

Simply register, or log in, to get started today!




BB&T, Member FDIC

Welcome to the Financial Foundations Program

Al hacer clic en “Comenzar”, estás aceptando nuestras Condiciones de servicio y Política de privacidad.

BB&T’s Financial Foundations program puts you more in control of your financial life and is the foundation for a brighter future.

We invite you to participate in our free Financial Foundations program. In just ten minutes, our interactive courses teach you financial hints and tips to help you head in a brighter direction. 

Simply register, or log in, to get started today!




BB&T, Member FDIC