Welcome to the TNStars® College Savings 529 Guide

Do you want to save for your child or grandchild’s college education but need more information before you take the leap? The TNStars® 529 Program Interactive Guide will help you explore information about 529 college savings plans, which enable families to start saving early for future higher educational expenses.

This guide shows you how one couple started saving for their child’s college education expenses – from calculating how much to save each month to achieve your savings goals, to learning about common myths and facts regarding 529 plans and other related topics. You will also learn about the advantages of opening a TNStars® College Savings 529 Program account so you can begin preparing for the future of your child or loved one!

Sign up or login now to get started! It will take only a few minutes of your time.

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Welcome to the TNStars® College Savings 529 Guide

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Do you want to save for your child or grandchild’s college education but need more information before you take the leap? The TNStars® 529 Program Interactive Guide will help you explore information about 529 college savings plans, which enable families to start saving early for future higher educational expenses.

This guide shows you how one couple started saving for their child’s college education expenses – from calculating how much to save each month to achieve your savings goals, to learning about common myths and facts regarding 529 plans and other related topics. You will also learn about the advantages of opening a TNStars® College Savings 529 Program account so you can begin preparing for the future of your child or loved one!

Sign up or login now to get started! It will take only a few minutes of your time.

To return to the TNStars® home page, click here.